Short Case General Medicine Practical Examination

This is online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputsThis e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your  valuable inputs on comment box is welcome.


A 65 old male presented to opd on 19th Jan 2023 with the chief complaints of slurring of speech   
weakness of left upper limb since from yesterday 
complain of pedal edema 

History Of Present illness :
1.19 year ago patient underwent surgery
2.7 years ago diagnosed hypertension, also diagnosed with gastro esophageal reflex disease( acid reflex)
Prescribed- NexproRD 40mg for GERD
3.7 MONTHS ago diagnosed with chronic diarrhoea
4.1 month ago patient slipped and fell in bathroom and observed swelling on scalp region
5.1 day ago patient observed difficulty in walking, slurring of speech, and pedal edema
Pitting type , Extent till ankle 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 months back then he had h/o loose stools 6 to 7 episodes daily ,low quantity , yellow colour
No association with pain abdomen,no mucus in stool 

No blood in stool 

History of fever 2 episodes in the past 6 months 

No history of nausea vomiting 

History of past illness :

History of acute ischemic stroke 

K/c/o Hypertension from 7 years 

N/K/C/O diabetes mellitus ,epilepsy,tuberculosis 

H/o trauma 1 month back (slip and fell in bathroom)

H/o surgery 18 years back for hernia

He used to  take medications for hypertension since 7 years 

Personal History: 
Marritual Status 
Diet: Mixed 
Appetite : Decreased
Bowel and bladder movements : Regular 
Micturition: Decreased since 3 days
Sleep : Adequate 
No known allergies 
Addictions : Patient drinks alcohol daily
He takes 90ml of alcohol 1-2 times per day

Family History : No relevant family history

General Examination :
I have taken the consent of the pateint and examined pateint in well lit room in supine or sleeping position 
The patient is Conscious Incoherent and Non-coperative ,poorly nourished 
Well oreinted to time place and person 
Pallor present 
No icterus
No cyanosis 
No Clubbing
No Generalized lymphadenopathy 
History of pedal edema 
Vitals :
Temperature: Afebrile
BP - 140/80 mm hg 
PR - 80beats per minute 
Respiratory Rate - 18 cycles/minute

Clinical Pictures : 


1.CVS - 
s1 s2 sounds heard 
no murmers 

On Inspection :
No Scars are seen 
No Dropping of Shoulders 
Chest is Bilaterally Symmetrical
Postion of trachea Central 
On palpation :
All inspectory findings are confirmed 
Position of Trachea - central
Apical impulse in left 5th inter coastal space ,1cm medial to mid clavicular line.
Vocal fremitus- felt on supra and infra scapular area
Abdomen: No organomegaly 

4 . CNS 

TONE : UL       LL

             N            N

              Hypo      N
Wrist - 0/5

Higher mental functions

- Conscious +

- Oriented to time+,place+ and person+

- Memory - intact

- Speech - slurred

Cranial nerve examination 

 1olfactory sense - normal

 2- visual acuity present,

                                    R       L

           Direct reflex +        +                 

        Indirect reflex +         +

  3,4,6 - no ptosis Or nystagmus

  5- corneal reflex present

  7-No loss of nasolabial folds, forehead wrinkling present

  8- Normal 

 9,10- position of uvula is central

 11- sternocleidomastoid contraction present

 12- no deviation of tongue 

Investigations : 
Ultrasound : 
Hyper acute infarct in right frontal lobe 


Provisional diagnosis : 
Cerebro vascular accident with hypertension 


Tab clopidogrl 75 mg OD 

Tab ecospirin 75 mg OD 

Tab atarvostat 20 mg OD 

Tab telma


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